Smoke and CO Detector - Warranty, Lifespan, Expiry Date, Date of Manufacture

Smoke and CO Detector - Warranty, Lifespan, Expiry Date, Date of Manufacture

Q: I want to know the date of manufacture for a smoke/co detector


A: The effective date of these units is based on their first power up, not when they were manufactured. The warranty is based on your invoice date from Aartech. As a result you won't have to worry about the manufacture date. We sell lots of these and buy them monthly, but we don't open them to check manufacture dates as this can change regularly and is outside of our control. .Smoke and CO detectors have a life expectancy of 5-10 years depending on the model.  This period typically starts from the date it is first put in to service or powered up.  It is not based on the date of manufacture.  The warranty for smoke and CO detectors purchased from Aartech Canada is based on the date it was invoiced.