Remote Temperature Control and Monitoring

Remote Temperature Control and Monitoring

I have a cottage and want to be able to turn up the heat when I'm en-route and turn it back down when I'm not at the cottage.  Most of our Aube thermostats support a phone controller option so you
can call in, enter your password and turn the heat up on the way to the
cottaage and back down when you leave.  The 'away' temperature setting
is just enough to keep pipes from freezing.   Or you can take it one
step above and use the Freeze Alarm Deluxe with your Aube thermostat.
 The Freeze Alarm Deluxe can be used to set the home/away mode, and
will also call you if the temperature drops below the level you set or
if the power goes out, so you'll know if there's a problem requiring
your attention.